Tuesday, 25 February 2014


Along my most recent journey over the past year I have decided the best way to contribute to our struggles as stewards of the land and as women, is to focus on our first roles which are are to protect and teach.  To do this effectively I am hoping to build a community from the ground up. What was first planned as a year round cultural camp has now blossomed into a self sustaining, environmentally friendly training centre and nationhood building community.

I prayed on a name and for direction on what is the best way to move forward and after the name came to me everything else has been falling into place.

"Ancestral Connections", will be a place of solace, determination and resiliency.  The benefits of this camp/community will be of youth, women and men's empowerment, justice, self determination, community reciprocity and responsibility.

Our Vision for not only the camp/community itself but as an ‘organization’ is to:

"Build Nationhood through resurgence of culture, language and land use.  We will share best practices on models practiced, research compiled and facilitate community engagement"

Goals for the camp are:

"To provide space for ceremony, rites of passage, tradition teachings, education and celebrations"

"To model and facilitate a sustainable and responsible community"

"To work at restoration, protection and reclamation of sacred and historical sites"

Organizational Structure:

Firekeepers Council;

Elders, Women, Youth and Men established to advise on the activities within the camp/community.  Access to knowledge keepers, spiritual advisors.

Education and Resource Council;

Advisors in a variety of capacities with knowledge on Justice,  Education, Language,  Environment & Governance. Sub committees will be established to research, compile and disseminate with any interested parties other than the camp/community and Ancestral Connections board of directors. 
Training in areas such as; land stewardship, community engagement,  family wellness, language amongst many more will be provided as a directive of education or sub committees.

Land Use Council;

Vested community members and supporters will work at reclamation & protection of sacred and historical sites.
Advisors and professionals will work with partners in developing community and political engagement for more sustainable and renewable energy practices in local and surrounding territories.  
Renewable and sustainable energy practices in action will be a major part of the camp/community.  Permaculture, sustenance, medicine harvesting, composting, and nearby bird sanctuary among many more projects will be models to inspire others.

Please join me in the beginning of something great.

Jessica Gordon

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