We are being put to the test and now is the time to show what we are capable of.
From my perspective, I feel we as grassroots people should approach PTO's, Band councils, Tribal councils and FN urban service providers and begin strategy on a national call to action. What would this would look like:
Pull students from the schools for the most part of June. Call it National Cultural Resurgence & Education Month, if you may.
Return to community building and empowerment. Freedom schools can be set up concentrating on language revitalization, cultural teachings & storytelling, land based education in medicines, botany, hunting, tracking and survival skills.
Call a strike for all on reserve teachers & administrators to walk out of colonial structures and constraints and onto the land for the survival of our people by providing your knowledge.
We have the resources, intelligence, capabilities and the heart to accomplish this. There is no barriers to such an action. Working together to send a message not only the government but more importantly to our youth - "WE WILL TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN". "Youth are our future leaders and we should support them", lets prove this to them by taking ACTION.
This is a call to all Chiefs, Councilors, educators, service providers to meet with the grassroots people and come up with a plan to PROVE we will exercise our jurisdiction of our children's education.
A couple examples that it IS possible and CAN be done:
The Akwesasne Freedom School (AFS) was founded in 1979 by Mohawk parents concerned with the lack of cultural and linguistic services available in local public schools. As an independent elementary school, AFS has existed on a shoestring budget for over 25 years. In 1985, the parents who administer the school made a historic decision to adopt a total Mohawk immersion curriculum. It was a historic decision. AFS was the first to implement this curriculum and did so without approval or funding from state, federal or provincial governments. By focusing on our young people, we reverse the assimilation process and ensure that the Mohawk people do not lose their language, culture and identity.The school continues to immerse its students in levels Pre-K to 8 in the Kanienkéha (Mohawk) language and culture. All instruction, as well as recess periods, outdoor activities, field trips, meals and extracurricular activities are conducted in the Mohawk language.
In the winter of 2005 - Rontewennanónhnha – Ganienkeh’s first total immersion school became a reality. Experienced Kanien’kehà:ka language teachers and program developers were recruited for this one-of-a-kind opportunity to develop Kanien’kehà:ka language programs at Ganienkeh. Programs are being developed and implemented that will work and are not tainted by the bureaucratic constraints of “Indian Country” schools still dependent on funding from US and or Canadian sources. Our education is truly in our control and this was mandated and insisted upon by our youth who truly appreciate one of our greatest resources – our language, our direct link to the natural world around us.
Mother Earths Childrens Charter School
Canadas first and only Indigenous Charter school
Our Vision
Rediscovering the gifts and potential given to them by the Creator, our children will achieve personal excellence and fulfillment.
Our Mission
To wholistically nurture, guide and challenge each child’s spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional self through traditional Indigenous teachings.
Anishinaabek Gardens Homeschool Academy is a private homeschool located in Michigan but available online for all families across the world. This is an umbrella school for families that need private school enrollment with little interference over their educational activities. Families may purchase their own curriculum of their choice or we can plan a curriculum specifically for their needs. You may request assistance with transcripts, graduation activities, and homeschool advising.